Measles Outbreak in Western Canada

There is currently an increase in measles activity in western Canada, the United States and abroad. Measles is airborne and highly contagious. 

Although most of our patients have been fully immunized, we are vigilant and compliant with recommendations to be on high alert for reporting suspected disease, as outlined in press release by NSHA today.

Suspected measles cases must be evaluated by our medical team and reported immediately to our local public health office  or after-hours to the on-call Medical Officer of Health (902-473-2222 or 902-473-2220).


Current report: for February 3 to February 9, 2019 (Week 6)

Report summary:

  • In Canada, two new cases of measles and no new cases of rubella were reported in week 6, 2019.

  • Currently, there are four active cases of measles in Canada.

  • Five (5) cases of measles and no cases of rubella have been reported in Canada in 2019.

  • A number of confirmed cases of measles were reported in mid-February in British Columbia, most of which were associated with a cluster of related school-based outbreaks in Vancouver that were linked to importation of measles from outside of North America. Measles cases related to this cluster will be included in subsequent reports.

  • Globally, there are large measles outbreaks which have affected a large number of countries. Canadians travelling outside of Canada are invited to consult the travel health notices for more information.

Charlotte Gallant