Measles Update
Routine immunization
Adults born before 1970 are generally presumed to have acquired natural immunity to measles; however, some of these individuals may be susceptible.
Adults without contraindications, born in or after 1970 who do not meet the definition of measles immunity should be immunized with 1 dose of MMR vaccine.
Table 1: Criteria for measles immunityRoutine immunizationHealth care workersTravellers to destinations outside North AmericaStudents in post-secondary educational settingsMilitary personnel
Documentation of vaccination:
Children 12 months to less than 18 years of age: 2 doses
Adults 18 years of age and older born in or after 1970: 1 dose
History of laboratory confirmed infection
ORLaboratory evidence of immunity
ORBorn before 1970
Documentation of vaccination with 2 doses (regardless of year of birth)
ORHistory of laboratory confirmed infection
ORLaboratory evidence of immunity
Documentation of vaccination:
If born in or after 1970: 2 doses
If born before 1970: 1 dose
History of laboratory confirmed infection
ORLaboratory evidence of immunity
Documentation of vaccination:
If born in or after 1970: 2 doses
If born before 1970: consider 1 dose if no documentation of receipt of measles-containing vaccine
History of laboratory confirmed infection
ORLaboratory evidence of immunity
Documentation of vaccination with 2 doses (regardless of year of birth)
ORHistory of laboratory confirmed infection
ORLaboratory evidence of immunity