Tuberculosis In the Antigonish Community: From NSHA

Another rare disease is breaking out in our Community ……. Be Aware and make an appointment if you are concerned

NSHA Public Health is currently investigating a case of tuberculosis (TB) in the Antigonish County area. We are working closely with key internal and external partners to support our investigation and are notifying individuals and groups as needed. 

Public Health is currently assessing the risk of transmission, including contacting persons who require additional follow-up. Risk to the general population is low, as well as the broader community. 

Below is additional information and messaging in the event a patient presents or calls for information. Public Health is here to support and currently we are directing inquiries to our Antigonish office – (902) 867-4500 x4800. Feel free to pass this info on or to connect with us as needed. For questions from health care providers outside of regular business hours, please call the Medical Officer of Health on-call. 

Key Messages TB is preventable, treatable and curable. The most common way to contract TB is to spend a prolonged period of time in close contact with a person who has active TB. If a person contracts TB, they may not get sick or show symptoms. 

There is no need to cancel events or stay at home from work/school. Public Health, along with other health care providers, will provide information to persons on what they need to do based on their individual health.

Charlotte Gallant