Virtual Care Platform Extended to 31 Dec 2020
Nova Scotia Health Authority in Association with Doctors Nova Scotia has recognized the importance virtual care is as a tool in serving patients so has extended the program
From Doctors Nova Scotia:
September 24, 2020
”Dear Dr. Gallant:
I’m pleased to tell you the Department of Health and Wellness has extended the current virtual care fee codes until the end of 2020.
I continue to hear from physicians across the province that the virtual care fee codes have been invaluable in ensuring appropriate access to care for patients during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. As you know, Doctors Nova Scotia has been advocating for an extension of these codes to ensure patient access is maintained throughout the pandemic and to solidify virtual care as a significant augment to traditional care into the future. We will continue to work with government to secure permanent arrangements for virtual care in Nova Scotia.”