Covid Vaccine Booster Updates. NAIC

NACI now recommends that:

o Startinginthespringof2023,anadditionalboosterdosemaybeoffered6 or more months from the last COVID-19 vaccine dose or infection to the following individuals who are at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19: (Discretionary NACI recommendation)

  • Adults 80 years of age and older

  • Adults 65 to 79 years of age, particularly if they do not have a

    known history of SARS-CoV-2 infection

  • Adult residents of long-term care homes and other congregate

    living settings for seniors or those with complex medical care


  • Adults 18 years of age and older who are moderately to severely

    immunocompromised due to an underlying condition or treatment

Charlotte Gallant